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Birthday Celebration Part 1

50yearoldme.jpgMy 50th birthday started with a cardiac workout at the gym. As I pressed the age setting on the treadmill, I found it a bit strange to press 5-0 on the screen. Later that night as I applied a concealer on the brown spots around my cheekbone, I discern a few fine lines on my face , the sign of wrinkles starting to show. I wear these fine lines like battle scars with a badge of courage. Aging is truly a state of mind. I approach my life with a child-like curiousity , eager to embrace everything life can offer.

I am full of gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Inspite of all the pain, I have transcended beyond it and am now in a state of my new normal life. Part of this new normal is moving to our new home. Together with my birthday celebration, I finally had our house blessed by a seminarian, the representative of our parish priest. I am touched by the life story of Brother Hernan. He also lost a sibling and at the age of 5 years old, he was reared by his grandparents because his parents separated soon after his sibling’s death. Instead of growing up bitter, he chose to be a compassionate brother willing to serve God for the rest of his life. The house blessing was even more meaningful as he spoke of love.

That our house will be blessed with love even if conflicts arise now and then.

I smile across the room towards where my husband stood and beamed a wide smile.

Without saying a word, we know that love should always rule our household.

And so it was my birthday wish that my family , friends and loved ones continue to have peace, good health and love in their lives.


I am blessed that my relatives live in our new neighborhood, the same place where my kids have treasured childhood memories.


I relax at my lounging chair as Lauren takes a photo of me enjoying the rest of my 50th birthday celebration.

26 thoughts on “Birthday Celebration Part 1”

  1. Happy Birthday Mrs. Dado 😀 . The basket cake is nice (Suddenly I want to eat cake) and it’s really wonderful to see a family together smiling and building a home in a new house. 🙂

  2. Belated Happy Birthday Noemi! I wish you the best of health, wonderful opportunities and more promising years ahead.

    It’s nice that you had your home blessed as well. I’m sure the blessing will invite more positive energy into your lives. Take care and God bless.

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