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Missy in Real Life and in Pet Society

My usual break at home consists of watching TV and multi-tasking with my macbook . Things have changed a bit the past month.

Meet Missy, my real live pet kitty and her online equivalent in Pet Society in Facebook. If you don’t know what pet society means, well it’s just a major distraction and a mindless activity but it helps me zone out when I am stressed or just want to be still.

In the world of Pet Society, you can play games, decorate your house and even bring gifts for your Face Book friends when you visit them. Now, I didn’t know that my adorable little Siamese kitty would enjoy it as much as I do.

It’s such a fun feeling to watch my kitty enjoy her online counterpart in Pet Society. Of course, after a while she became sleepy.

And ended up in my lap.

The past few weeks has been quite stressful for me but it surely helped that I had my kitty when my family is out to work or school. Sharing my life with this new kitten feels quite rewarding, as any pet owner can tell you. Evidence suggests that in addition to just being pleasurable, pet ownership may also have tangible health benefits.

In Is it True That Pet Owners Live Longer?:

Surveys of pet owners have shown that people with pets tend to have lower blood pressure and decreased stress levels, regardless as to other factors in their lives. Many pet owners have lower blood pressure, and dog owners in particular tend to be in better physical condition than non-dog owners

More than taking break, I get in touch with my inner child as I play with my pet. It’s what makes us very human. Childlike is positive. Childlike implies certain characteristics of a child, like total trust, honesty, and acceptance. Children are not judgmental. Somewhere along the line, adults get cynical and prejudicial with life. Children possess spontaneity.

This is my break. This is my shallow way to have fun.

What is your idea of fun at home?

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