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Stress of Christmas Shopping


Are you done with your Christmas shopping? I am not done yet. A lot of my friends dread the rush to the high street to buy a bunch of last-minute Christmas gifts. It has now been scientifically proven that Christmas shopping really is one of the most stressful activities Guess what? I don’t feel stressed out with the Christmas shopping per se although I admit that the traffic is always a challenge to one’s patience.

Somehow I love to be in the hustle and bustle of shopping and listening to Christmas carols as I browse through the items. That photo above was taken in Glorietta 2 a few years back. I can recall vividly the crowd of Christmas shoppers moving to and from the mall. My hubby stresses over the crowds so he starts his Christmas shopping before December. They say the earlier you start your Christmas shopping , the less stress you will feel. I don’t like to shop early because there are no Christmas carols. Where is the fun in that.

I guess the reason for the stress varies but I just want it to be an enjoyable experience. Another reason is I already reduced the stress levels by following certain guidelines:

1. Be efficient

The great bargains are at the bazaars but it is crowded at this time. I limit myself to two department stores. It is less crowded , less hassle and one can really focus on the shopping.

2. Know your budget

With my list, I already set a budget for each person. . Much of the stress comes from you feeling pressured to purchase fancy gifts for loved ones, even if it results in overspending and debt.

3. Shopping Online

Online shopping is not only extremely convenient, but it is also fast, simple, and efficient and allows you to get the bulk of your holiday shopping done at once. My daughter is such an expert in online shopping at ebay that I got hooked at it as well. It spares me from the traffic congestion and fighting for parking spaces , and waiting in long checkout lines.

4. Shop alone

It is normally fun to shop with friends or family but sometimes it can add extra stress to the situation. It is definitely easier and quicker to shop without young children or others who have no idea what they want to purchase. The quicker you are able to get your Christmas shopping done, the easier the experience will likely be on you.

And lastly, enjoy the season. Feel the Christmas spirit.

I often take a moment to relax and enjoy the season by indulging in a pampering session at the salon or spa. Managing my schedule is also a priority. I limit the events that I attend to, the parties and even drop writing assignments. While caught in traffic, I gaze at the beautiful twinkling lights of the christmas parol as the Christmas songs are played in the car. If the traffic is really bad, I play Andrea Bocelli’s “Our Father” song on repeat.

I feel it is a waste of time to stress out when stress can be minimized. Stress will also add wrinkles to my face which I want to avoid.

Taking steps to reduce stress as much as possible can make the holiday season much more fun and helps relieve the anxiety of shopping . Hope you enjoy your Christmas by managing your time and budget and being efficient.

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