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March 27, 2011

A letter to Jan-Jan

Jan-Jan is the 6 year old boy who was dancing and crying in Willie Revillame’s show. This is a letter written by my good friend, Cathy Guballa . I have posted it here with her permission.

Dearest Jan-jan,

My heart broke as I watched you cry on television. You should never have been there in the first place. There are many people to blame for the humiliation that you went through. What took place should have never happened if people had been doing their jobs, if people had only known better.

First of all, I cannot understand how your tita would teach you to dance that way!! You are only six years old and what do you know about the world? I’m sure you are a very bright, sensitive, and talented little boy, that much I could see. That’s another reason why it was so painful for me to watch you suffer. You were, in fact, the only one in that studio who knew that what was happening was so very wrong. You rely on your parents and your guardians to take care of you. They need to ensure that you grow up to become healthy in mind, body and spirit. But by allowing you to suffer that way, they miserably failed you.

It’s not all about the money, Jan-jan. The dignity of every child must be upheld. By allowing you to perform that way, they trampled on you and made you feel so small. I could see the fear and embarrassment in your eyes. It was undeniable. If there was only some way to rescue you from that moment, I’m sure every parent worth their salt would have done so.
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Willie Revillame humiliates a crying 6 year old boy as he dances

This is just so disgusting. Willie Revillame, you are the lowest of the low.

I watched this video of a six year boy crying as he danced in Willie Revillame’s show. Watch as Willie laughs and picks on the poor boy (removed video now)

My heart just goes out to him.


My friend, a mother herself asks :

What have we become as a people if we consider the humiliation of a helpless six year old boy as entertainment? Of course the issue also goes back to the family — why in heaven’s name would you teach a six year old to dance that way? My heart broke as I watched the expression on this little boy’s face.

@iamhappyamy tells me in Twitter” @momblogger a kid gyrating like a macho dancer, willie making fun of him, the audience enjoying – truly sickening!” @yeahred adds “Letting a kid dance sensually on national television (and enjoying it) is very inhuman. Willie Revillame, you’re such a disgrace.”

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