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May 30, 2007

An Interview by Migs Paraz

Here are 5 interview questions from Migs Paraz which is actually a tagged post.

1. There is a lot to learn from people in their 40’s and above. How do we get them to blog?

I definitely agree that there is a lot to learn from the 40’s and above. The best way to get them to blog is to expose them to bloggers in our age group. I always thought that blogging was for the 30 and below age group until I came across Connie’s blog. I have been told by 40 something bloggers that they got inspired to start a blog because they came across my blog ( ahem, Annamanila). This question gives me an idea. Maybe I should categorize my blogroll by age group to inspire more people?

2. What opportunities did winning the Philippine Web Awards and the Philippine Blog Awards bring you? (Oh and being one of the Top Pinoy Probloggers as well.)

Winning the award brought hits and gave me more visitors. It widened the scope of my readership and advocacy. Then, I get invited to PR events or help out with blog activities. Most importantly, I am loving the fact that my circle of friends widened in all age groups. As a problogger, the opportunity to socialize and venture out new things in the blogosphere and even in new media enable me to produce more content for my blog. More content produced enhance my earnings especially in Google Adsense and Text Link Ads.

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