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Guest Post

Surviving A Gunshot (Carlo Ople’s Story on Love and Courage)

“Superman’s not brave. You can’t be brave if you’re indestructible. It’s every day people, like you and me, that are brave knowing we could easily be defeated but still continue forward. – unknown”

This is a guest post from Carlo Ople. Some of you might not be aware that Carlo nearly lost his life three years ago due to a gunshot wound from a robber who tried to molest his girlfriend. This is a story of love and the will to survive at all cost. The question is would you risk your life to protect your loved one?

If you have a recovery story to share, please send it to [email protected]

Around 3 years ago, I had one of the most challenging experiences that I’ve ever faced in my life. I was with my girlfriend, Mich, in an internet café. We were having fun playing a few games and surfing the net when I suddenly felt a cold and solid object being pressed hard on the back of my neck. One of my worst fears was finally materialized: we were being held-up. I can’t remember if there were 4 or 5 men but the entire café was suddenly plunged into the silence. The only sound you could hear was the cruel and deep voice of one of the robbers cussing and cursing people while his cohorts started to collect our cell phones, wallets, and jewelry.

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