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US Elections, Obama, Proposition 8 & Serious Catholics

US elections is just a few weeks away. As a tourist, US politics is all so new to me. I see the American flag and candidate signs in front of homes and certain spots of each city and state. I like that the signs are not littered all over the place. It is quite neat actually. Conversations in dinner table are now centered on the upcoming elections and some propositions that one needs to answer on the ballot. It’s my first exposure to US politics. Normally, I just read about it in the newspapers.

Sunday mass and the Catholic church in Northern California is a revelation in itself. After the mass, a group passed out brochures on Proposition 8 and a “Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics”.

While reading the Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics , it lists 5 non-negotiables:

1. Abortion
2. Euthansia
3. Embryonic Stem Cell Research
4. Human Cloning
5. Homosexual “Marriage”

This is similar to the Catholic Bishops making a statement in all the churches in the Philippines prior to elections. Serious Catholics need to read this guide so it will enable them to cast a vote in line with the beliefs of the Catholic faith. Not everything is as clear as black and white.

Take for instance this hot issue called “Proposition 8”. It is being promoted by serious catholics that a YES vote to Proposition 8 is better for society because “Only Marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”. However, a YES vote on Proposition 8 does not take away any rights or benefits from gay or lesbian domestic partners. Right now, it seems there is a close fight between the YES and NO votes.

It’s quite a gray area actually. I feel that society is dependent on heterosexual marriage for the perpetuation of society and that the word “marriage” is reserved for heterosexual couple. Then I have to see it in the eyes of the couple in love and wanting to seal it in marriage. Is the word “marriage” just a label or does it need to be redefined?

The most crazy question received by one of my siblings was regarding Obama as their Presidential choice

“Are you Catholic?”.

“Yes, I am Catholic so what does that have to do with my choice of Obama? just because he is a Democrat and supporting women on the right to choose?” “Oh and Joe Biden is a Catholic”

Following that logic, does a woman vote for Sarah Palin just because she is a woman?


As a Filipino, I am interested in Senator Barrack Obama’s foreign policy. In Obama, I see a president willing to reach out to world leaders, whether friend and enemy, to open dialogue and resolve differences through diplomacy rather than military engagement. After all, when did it hurt to sit down and talk to our enemies?

An Obama election will send a signal to minorities across America and to countries around the world that the US is breaking through the racial divide, opening their hearts to people of all colors and religion.

The US needs change. My 3 siblings in the US need this change.

I hope Senator Barack Obama wins.

Who do you root for? Obama-Biden or McCain-Palin election?

28 thoughts on “US Elections, Obama, Proposition 8 & Serious Catholics”

  1. I am a Roman Catholic myself and in case I am a US citizen, I would go for Obama and Biden. They are the team that appeals to be more sensible and driven to me. Though they are not perfect and I also do not agree with some of their issues, I still think their tandem would be the better option for the United States of America and other affiliating countries look forward to a more positive future. Changes that will happen would not be easy to accept, but all of us need to go out from our own comfort zones to learn more and hopefully be wiser in life.

    yolynnes last blog post..Happy World Teacher’s Day!

    1. The country needs a new president with policy changes that works. I know Obama-Biden/democrat party have policies that go against the Catholic religion but right now, the US needs to undergo change…they iare the better option

  2. It’s good to know that Americans are very politically aware and immersed in the upcoming election unlike here in the Philippines where some people care less about election. Speaking of Obama, I featured his guesting in Ellen where he showed his dance moves. He is a good dancer.

  3. I find your entry interesting. I am a first generation Filipino-American born and raised in Los Angeles. I was raised in a Catholic home, and spent 11 years in Catholic school (although, a pretty liberal one).

    My vote is my voice. It is my choice, and nobody’s opinion matters to me. My parents made sure that once I turned 18 I was registered to vote. They have never once told me how to vote, which props I should say “yes” or “no” to, or which person is “right” for the job. I am soooo thankful for that. They have been married for over 30 years, and all three of us are in three different political parties.

    When I do the research, and make my choices, it is me alone standing in the voting booth, not my family, or religion, or the color of my skin.

  4. For the person looking for FILIPINOS FOR OBAMA buttons, here’s the answer from Angelica Jongco, who heads the group:

    If you’re in San Francisco – then we have them at the SF Obama office, 939 Market St. Or you can contact our collateral person “Megan Espiritu” <[email protected] >,

    But you can also purchase buttons and much more at our online store. Please go to
    and then select “Filipinos for Obama Online Store” from the Main Menu.

  5. If it is only possible i’d go for OBAMA-PALIN hehehehehe

    Always looked up to the U.S election, it’s much more quicker, clean and organized. Not like our own.

    Love the new theme ! By the way Marghil Macuha and I have just launched our free new blogging ebook. You might want to help us promote it. Check it out at

    Zigfreds last blog post..Work and play at Barili, Cebu

  6. I don’t live in America, but my sister does and she is voting for Obama. I support her decision for pretty much that thing you stated about opening hearts to people of all colors and religion. And though I do not really advocate abortion, I have much less admiration to people who discriminate, and solve problem through military firepower.

    1. I don’t support abortion either. Abortion has declined through the years anyway. At times like these, I don’t think abortion is a critical issue that would decide whether to vote for Obama or not. We need to look at the bigger picture.

      1. Bush won the 2004 elections based on ABORTION and SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

        I dont support abortion but I wouldn’t make that choice for other people. If a rape victim doesn’t want to keep the baby, she should have the right to abort it. If a woman doesn’t want to continue a pregnancy, she should be given the chance to have an abortion up to a certain age of gestation. The Republican party (as well as the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines) stand for one policy – making choices for people by banning the alternative from the get go.

  7. Obama-Biden!

    I still don’t the idea of OTHER people choosing to make other minorities lose privileges and rights just because they don’t agree with them. Same-sex marriage doesn’t really harm the heterosexual couples in anyway – all it does it provide legal safety for those in same sex relationships (something that is not present in the status quo). Same sex couples cant even make medical decisions for each other in times of incapacity – nor can they claim the body of their loved one.

    At the bottom of it all lies religious fundamentalism and bigotry – and nothing else.


  8. The tide is against the republicans because of the war and economy.

    But in times of crisis, a “seasoned” leader is a must. A person who is already made and not bound to prove himself/herself to friends and foes alike, otherwise, his actions will be divided and the leader’s decision will be based on public perception/opinion, not necessarily on what is right.

    Change is a fancy word now for the Americans, but a change for what? Does it mean that a change of the winning political party will change everything?

    I’m not either for Obama or McCain. But I like Palin.

    If I will have to make a choice, I suppose I will go for the lesser evil.

    1. “But in times of crisis, a “seasoned” leader is a must. A person who is already made and not bound to prove himself/herself to friends and foes alike, otherwise, his actions will be divided and the leader’s decision will be based on public perception/opinion, not necessarily on what is right.”

      And at the same time, you said YOU LIKE PALIN?

      She is a divisive, backward and christian fundamentalist force that tries to hearken to a century’s old concept of OLD AMERICANA that does not resonate with the new generation.

  9. “An Obama election will send a signal to minorities across America and to countries around the world that the US is breaking through the racial divide, opening their hearts to people of all colors and religion.”

    I agree with the above statement, although as a Filipino I could not vote, we could not deny that there Filipinos also have a stake in the US elections. We will definitely be affected by their foreign policy and we have many OFW and migrants in the US.

    Obama 08

  10. People who like Palin are either not watching/reading the news much (HEY! JUST LIKE PALIN!) or are just amazingly superficial. Sara Palin is easily the most unqualified and mentally inept candidate ever for the vice presidency. Her appeal lies in the “if she can be VP, anyone can be VP” concept.


  11. Pingback: Barack Obama for the Win as the New US President | A Filipina Mom Blogger

  12. “An Obama election will send a signal to minorities across America and to countries around the world that the US is breaking through the racial divide, opening their hearts to people of all colors and religion.”

    Unfortunately, I think that most Obama votes were made for that reason alone. You shouldn’t vote for someone just because it will be historical if he won. That’s crazy. Just because we have an African American president will not cause racism to stop.

    I voted for McCain. Aside from the obvious reason that I’m upset with Obama winning, what I quoted the blogger on is another big reason I’m upset about him winning. I don’t think that most didn’t go out to vote for the right reasons.

    Maximistas last blog post..Electric company limits man’s electricity, then he freezes to death

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