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I am not a Therapist or a Counselor

I am not a therapist.

I am not a sex therapist, either.

Neither am I a marriage counselor.

I lead a peer support group for grief recovery every 3rd saturday of the month. That’s about it.

Writing about recovery principles are the stuff that I learned because of my roller-coaster journey to a new life after the death of my son. Naturally, my family life, personal relationships and married life were all affected by this unspeakable tragedy. I came out like a new person, and now having the time of my life. I know some of you can also relate to my journey and it helps you because you see hope. You catch a glimpse of yourself in me but that’s about it. That’s the only help I can give unless it is about grief recovery.

I’d love to help but see, I can only help you if you’re my friend or have known you for some time. Sending me an email me won’t work out because it is only one side of the story. Any advice I’d give you will not be accurate.

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