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May 2008

Blog, Blogging, Blogger, Bloggers

My prime-time life revolves around blogs, blogging, and bloggers, merely because I am a blogger.

1. The Philippine Blogger Awards, Inc.

Voted to head the 2008 Philippine Blog Awards, it was one of my duties to register a non-stock, non-proft corporate entity for the Philippine Blog Awards. It’s easier to get sponsors if we show a legal entity. Now, I thought it’d be easy to get a legal name but no…The Security Exchange Commission (SEC) database on corporate names rejected the word “blog” because it is close to “Bldg”. I tried “Blogging” or was it “Bloggers” and it got rejected because it was close to “logging”. Much as we wanted Philippine Blog Awards, Inc, we settled for Philippine Blogger Awards, Inc. Just when I could breathe a sigh of relief, the SEC Examiner questioned the purpose of the corporation (“To hold an annual awards ceremony that recognizes excellence and diversity in blogging”) What is blogging?” Darn, I didn’t bring my macbook so I could show her what a blog is. She asked “is it food?” As I started to explain blogging, she got even more confused. We continued to discuss about blogs and it was at this point the SEC head of that division passed by and overheard the word “blogging”.

The boss said to the examiner, “Remember that TV show where they were talking about libel in blogs because of Brian Gorrell? Approve the papers”. Brian Gorell saved my day.

2. Political Bloggers

I am not a political blogger but my husband occasionally blogs on politics so I tagged along to dinner with a few political bloggers. I love listening to politics from great minds like Manolo, bloggers from, Juned and Ria.

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