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Digital Transformation: Your brand is defined by those who experience it.

The Second Digital Congress is so relevant to me as a blogger and my brand “momblogger”. The Congress focused on the culture envisioned to aid marketers in adapting to digitalization as reflected in the theme, “DX: The Culture of Digital Transformation” but I looked at how it  continues to transform me as a blogger.

The best part of the Digital Congress was meeting Brian Solis  who I have been following for the past seven years.   He is a principal analyst studying disruptive technology and its impact on business at Altimeter Group.

The question I had was is blogging still relevant? Brian says he still blogs.  His advice is blogging more and publishing more to stay relevant.

Genuine useful content.

Utility is the new viral.

I have been blogging for close to twelve years and my objectives in 2006 (grief recovery) is not the same as today which is to use technology for social good. I find myself blogging less especially in the long form content. My main platform is Twitter.  I guess I want to give immediate feedback on twitter.

As a blogger, am I headed in the right direction of digital transformation? Let’s look at part of the presentation given by Brian Solis.

Digital Transformation

Brian Solis defines digital transformation in six stages:

  • Business as Usual
  • Present and Active
  • Formalized
  • Strategic
  • Converged
  • Innovative and Adaptive

The future of work is all about digital transformation that will require careful collaboration, and thoughtful planning. The sixth stage, “Innovate and Adaptive” is when a culture of innovation becomes top priority.

As a blogger, I know I constantly need to innovate my strategy. How?

Your brand is defined by those who experience it.

This reminds me of a course I took on Content Strategy where four audience experiences are best summarized as follows:

The first one, is it makes me smarter
about things that I care about.

The second is that it looks out for
my interests.

The third is that it’s convenient.
By that I mean that it’s easy to access.
It’s readily available.
I don’t have to work hard to get it.

And the fourth one is,
it gives me something to talk about and
share with others.
What we call the social

I believe I give all four audience experiences but it can still be improved by publishing more.

Brian Solis gives a tip:

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the last time you had a truly great experience…an experience that moved you…that captured your heart, mind and spirit. What about it was so special? Now, bring it to life for someone else.

Experience is something you feel, something you sense and interpret…it’s measured by how you react.

Life is about experiences,

Technology brigs to life new experiences

Relationships are made through shared experiences.

Great brands are the assemblage of great experiences.

As I think about how it relates to my “MomBlogger” brand, I remember my goals a year ago.

My focus as a citizen advocate allows me to bring out underplayed stories, fight for women and family issues which are close to my heart. That is who I am. It makes me happy to be of help to others and at the same time it allows me to leave my digital footprints behind.

Are my goals still relevant? What digital transformation is needed?

The first I need to do continue the form of narrative storytelling in the ways that my audience wants to successfully build a relationship with me.

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